Hi love!

Sara here. What’s up?

The Four Horsemen.

You’ve probably heard of ’em

Dark stuff.


Let’s take a turn into looking at my version of The Four Horsemen: Fashion Edition.

What is this?

Pretty much the 4 big mistakes of fashion.

What leads people to failure in fashion.

Intriguing, huh? Well, let’s get on with the deets!


Okay, so, 4 of the BIGGEST fashion errors. These are the errors that contain multiple facets, if you will, in each of them.

We will cover them step and by step.

Horseman One: Indifference

What’s indifference?

Pretty much not giving a damn about yourself and how you project yourself.

A dozen loose threads?

Shirt covered with wrinkles?

Ketchup stains on your denim jeans?

What about mismeasurements? (Is that even a real word?) This is pretty much wearing clothes that don’t fit you (to an extent! An XXL shirt is not an oversized shirt, it’s an XXL shirt! However, there are plenty of cases where a bigger size can look amazing! You have to play around and see what works. To be on the safe side, go for clothing that are your size, but are labeled as oversized)

Make sure to take pride in your clothing; give it some TLC!

+ Quality, quality, quality! Now, this doesn’t mean you have to pay $100 for a basic black t-shirt. What I mean is make sure you think about buying quality over quantity. If you’re shopping online, it may be a little difficult to check the quality of the piece. The fix? Check the reviews. You should aim for 4 or more stars out of 5. See the specifics on what people have to say about it. These are quick ways to see how others felt about the quality of the shirt before you spend your money on it!

+ When you’re done for the day, make sure to neatly put your clothes back in the closet. Folding t-shirts helps them keep their shape. Placing them on a hanger may create some wrinkles as well.

+ Got a wrinkled piece? Iron it out! You can read more about that here.

+ Wash stains out the day of; waiting too long may keep them there permanently. Yikes!

+ Make sure not to over-wash your clothes; it weakens the quality.

+ Top tip!: Go to a Bath & Body Works (love that place, btw), pick a pleasant smelling bar soap or candle that you like, and place it in your clothing drawer. This does WONDERS for your clothes. They smell so lovely! I like this specific candle. This kinda goes without saying, but by all means, DO NOT LIGHT THE CANDLE. Just place it in there as is. Perfect!

Horseman Two: Stagnation

Fashion, is a cycle. (The 90s are coming back, baby!)

It’s a changing & evolving subject.

I mean, I don’t dress the same way I used to back in the 4th grade. THANK GOD.

Heck, I don’t think I dress the same way I used to 8 months ago.

People change. We grow.

And so does our sense of style.

And that’s okay.

Great even!

The fact that you’re experimenting with style and what you personally like shows that you care.

If you are still wearing the same thing from 5 years ago, think about switching somethings up!

Purchase that new purse that caught your eye that one day.

If you like, choose a certain era that you like and incorporate some ideas into your outfit.

I swear to god, I once bumped into this one guy who was dressed like he came out of The Great Gatsby or something.

It was so cool!

I really like the 80s style. High waisted Levi’s and bold colored collared shirts? Yes, pls!*

Take a look at Pinterest and start pinning outfits that catch your eye.

Take a day to walk around the mall and just browse. No need to spend anything yet, if you don’t want to. Just take a look at pieces you like and certain outfits as well.

Wanna be daring?

Go all out and try an entirely different look!

You may up liking it!

We believe in you!

Horseman Three: Inauthenticity

Ah, probably the worst, and most common of all.

You, should only dress for yourself. Done.

Well, you should probably take others into consideration. But that’s about all. Like, don’t go to work wearing a tangerine bathing suit.

I bet it looks darling.

But, not the right setting, exactly.

Too many people dress like how others dress because they may feel insecure about their own sense of style.

I am guilty as charged. :/

Which, in reality, is silly!

I have realized lately, that most people don’t care about how “weird” your outfit may look.

They may even like it!

I have realized, that it is when I wear what I want to wear, which may sometimes be a little different than the norm, I seem to get more compliments.


Because you stand out, not stick out.

Remember that.

Want to wear those bright orange flares?

How about that embroidered leather jacket?

Do it! I bet you would look amazing!

There is literally nothing stopping you. Besides yourself.

Another aspect of Inauthenticity is looking like a try hard.

Ever bumped into that one person wearing tooooo many flashy brands at once? Ever been that person?

Not that good of a look.

Unless, you have a way of pulling it off, in which, I would love to see!

Anyway, don’t look like a try hard.

Personally, I don’t like it when people wear clothes that display like 5 different brand names. I, personally, find it tacky.

Now, I don’t mean wearing 5 different brands. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

I mean like a shirt that has a certain brand name brashly displayed. Then a different brand name plastered on their pants. And another brand name all over the jacket.

I don’t like it, but that’s just my opinion.

Don’t feel like you have to wear all the trends in one outfit + throw in a trunk-load of jewelry and accessories.

Go a little bit simpler. Simplicity is key.

Wear that trendy piece you love and own it! Show it off with some black leather boots and a nice bag!

You do you, darling!

Horseman Four: Conformity

Huh, fashion rules. They’re just rules, people.

And sometimes, rules are meant to be broken

I don’t like harsh fashion rules. I mean, isn’t fashion being authentic and daring? How do we do that by following all the rules.

Fashion tips, however, are amazing.

They have helped me so much.

Fashion rules, have only seemed to restrain me in the past.

You. Do. Not. Need. To. Conform.

You just don’t.

You do you!

No one does it better than you, ultimately.

Play around with pastels, bolds, monochrome (you can learn more here), patterns, stripes, the list goes on!

You choose your playing field. Not some random person.

For example, this really popular rule that somehow is still around is “Don’t wear white after labor day” and, I’m trying my best not to swear right now, haha.

Um, inconclusive much?

Wedding gowns and shoes are all white?

What do you have to say about that, huh?

That you can only get married on Labor Day?

See, no sense. Whatsoever.

This was a rule way back when, when posh people wanted to separate new money people and old money people. White signified being a tourist as well, so after summer, you should stop wearing white?

Um, yeah, I don’t care.

Again. You. Do. Not. Need. To. Conform.

Wear whatever color you please.

You might be asking, Sara, weren’t you just giving us fashion rules, just now?


These are just fashion tips. We are taking a look at certain ways people may be stopping themselves from looking their best. Such as following harsh rules, not being themselves, feeling insecure about their style.

No, my Four Horsemen of Fashion is not “Don’t wear white after Labor Day, “Short women should never wear short dresses” or “Sparkle is just for the evening” (Yeah, that’s a thing, can you believe it?)

Those harsh rules I mentioned above are rules that don’t help any one.

Realize that they are all restricting?

Most of them don’t offer any help or advice.

They just tell you what not to do.

Don’t do this. Don’t do that.

Hmph, very helpful. (Not)

Look at this girl looking fab and not giving af on silly fashion rules

What to Take From This

Moral of the story, is:

+ care about yourself and how you present yourself (first impressions are key! what if you have a date with destiny one random day? hey, it can happen. be prepared and look majestic!

+ always grow. always learn. change things up from time to time. take daring fashion risks and own the game!

+ above all, be yourself. don’t feel like you must follow all the trends to look good. you don’t. besides, it’s best to look unique. you stand out!

+ don’t conform to silly rules from the 1800s. waste of time & energy. instead, focus on yourself and your growth. start with what you like and find ways to make it better.

*None of the pieces that are mentioned in this article are sponsored or paying me to link.


What do you think?

Did you see yourself fall victim to any of these?

It’s alright. I fell into every one at least once in my life.

This doesn’t mean anything bad.

It just means that, now you know, and it’s time to grow. Time to be yourself.

Now, get out there and look daring + darling!

For more outfit inspiration, you can find countless other cool outfits via my Pinterest and get some inspo for your outfit!

Wonderful thanks to Mike Von, Anna Khomutova, Cottonbro, Daria Shevtsova, Armen Aydinyan & Heino Elnionis for the stunning photos! <3

Don’t forget to Carpe Diem!

– sara πŸ™‚

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