Mornings. They make or break your day.

I think we can all agree on that, eh?

I know I can relate.

I try my absolute, damn best to make sure my mornings start chipper so that good energy tends to ripple throughout the day.

I also have those inevitable awful mornings that just permeate throughout the day as well.

Anyways, through my trek for finding the perfect morning routine for myself, I have gathered 7 ways to help you start your day off right! The order goes in how I routinely go on with them.

Intrigued? Well, let’s get to that much needed post!

BTW, none of the pieces that are mentioned in this article are sponsored or paying me to link.


Tip 1: Straight Outta Bed & No Phone Zone

Okay, Okay, I know you’ve all probably heard this one before, but it’s overdone because it’s true!

Mornings should typically be a no phone zone.

Yeah, that’s right, get off your bed, keep the phone stapled to the nightstand.

Resist the urge. I know, I know, it’s so appealing.

But remember, the benefits pay off.

How so? Glad you asked:

+ peace of mind!

+ increased alertness

+ less phone use = better eye health!

Straight after you wake up, get up. I know, it’s easier to say 5 more minutes and find yourself waking up 30 minutes later. But you have to fight on. Get up as soon as you flicker your eyes. It’ll suck the first 30-60 seconds, but after that, you will feel much more energized, believe me. I have the worst and groggiest minute of my life the minute after I wake up.

But once I put on my fuzzy slippers and head down to the kitchen, I gradually start to feel better + more energized than the mornings I click snooze!

Does this ever happen to you to? Let us know in the comments, please!

Don’t forget to make your bed!

Tip 2: Sip a glass of lemon water

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Your body is thirsty first thing in the morning from a long night’s sleep so make sure to fill up on some fresh water!

I love warm lemon water in the morning!

Here’s why:

+ great source of vitamin C

+ clearer skin (need!)

+ freshens your breath

+ helps with digestion

+ full of antioxidants!

+ anti-inflammatory

+ detoxifies your body

+ helps with joint & muscle pain

+ glowy skin!!

I drink it with a metal straw so the acidity doesn’t erode my teeth (ew) Here’s a good one!

Make it a habit to drink lemon water everyday or every other day depending on your tolerance to acidity.

I normally drink 1 cup a day!

Tip 3: Brew some tea!

Ah, tea. I love it.

Want the deets to my favorite recipe? Here’s an in-depth post on my everyday, necessary, morning tea!

The tea you choose to drink is your tea to choose! There are so many delicious and beneficial options that you could choose from!

Sometimes I switch it up and grab a different tea for the day.

BTW guys, Chai tea, just found out how delicious + healthy it is! I’ve been sipping it every afternoon when I need a quick energy boost. I mean, this stuff is magic!

Anyway, let’s go over some popular teas and their benefits, shall we?

~ Green Teas: (my personal favorite)

+ may reduce risk for cancer and many other illnesses

+ reduces bloating

+ fights acne (game changer)

+ energy & focus boost

+ lowers high cholesterol

+ full of antioxidants

+ boosts metabolism

+ good wake up call (caffeine, baby!)

+ reduces inflammation

~ drink options: matcha, spearmint, peppermint, moroccan mint, sencha, jasmine green tea, and many more!~

~ Black Teas:

+ strong and caffeinated drink

+ anti-oxidants galore

+ regulates blood sugar levels

+ may lower diabetes risk

+ improves heart health

+ improves gut health

+ improves focus

+ helps bone health

~ drink options: earl grey tea, darjeeling black tea, assam black tea, english breakfast tea, yunnan black tea, cylon tea, and much more!~

~ Herbal Teas (aka tisanes):

the benefits for herbal teas normally depend on the type of herbal tea.

here are some popular ones:

+ Chamomile Tea: Good for nice and quality sleep (relaxes & reduces stress). Also reduces period cramps and stiff muscle pain

+ Ginger Tea: LOVE this one. Strong and soothing. Perfect for sick days. Helps digestion & reduces joint pain

+ Hibiscus: Sweet and floral. Lowers blood pressure and loaded with antioxidants

+ Rooibos: Naturally caffeine free, yet full of anti-oxidants and helps lower stress levels

~ Fun Teas:

+ Banana Tea: I recently found this amazing banana tea recipe and I instantly fell in love! I know I must say that a lot, but guys, it tastes like a fairy tale. It tasted like banana bread and I didn’t even need to put any sugar or honey in it!! You can find that delicious recipe here. If you try it out, tell us how you like it (I bet you loveee it!) Make sure to use clean and organic banana peels!!

Tip 4: Fill up on some breakfast

A weeks worth of breakfast! Healthy too!!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, mademoiselles & monsieurs!

I like to have variety in my breakfast each day so I look forward to it. Monotony can be quite boring.

+ Incorporate some healthy grains (good carbs- yes, they exist)- think oatmeal or whole wheat bread.

+ Some protein- a hardboiled egg, half an avocado, etc!

+ Lots of fruits- put berries and/or peaches in your oatmeal for example; melons, strawberries, bananas, cherries, whatever you want!

+ And some healthy fats- avocado spread, nuts, healthy milk

Pick healthy and natural foods to kick-start your day. Try to avoid sugar cereals & donuts! You don’t need those unhealthy picks!

Tip 5: Yoga or Exercise

Alright, I’m more of a yoga girl. I hate to exercise. I hate it a lot.

Yoga gives me peace of mind and helps me stretch out any nervousness or anxiety. It’s peaceful.

Here are some more benefits to yoga:

+ helps with back pain

+ improves flexibility & balance

+ decrease stress = better overall physical & mental strength (yes, plz)

+ energy & mood booster (a must in the mornin’)

+ reduces inflammation

+ easy for beginners & a goos challenge for advancers

+ helps you sleep better!

I take at least 15 minutes of peace and serenity to just put on a yoga YouTube video that helps me with a certain problem of mine for that day or week (stressful day ahead; bad sleep week; etc!) Here is my favorite Yoga YouTuber, Adriene! You can find her over here.

Top tip! Make sure, darn sure, the area around you is clean + organized. I mean, who can relax & reap all the benefits of yoga in a dirty & disorganized room? Not me, at least! Organizing your room will help you maintain a better mood and better focus! Get to it! You got this!

More of an exercise type?

Spend 30 minutes first thing in the morning to do whichever exercise routine you normally do! You can do every other day as well!

New to this? Find a fitness routine you love & works for you and stick to it! Set goals for yourself and execute! You can read more about goal setting & achieving them here. Start small and gradually build your way up to everyday or every other day.

You got this! ~whisper~ the secret is to start!

If you normally do yoga and/or exercise everyday, try doing it in the morning! It helps TREMENDOUSLY!


Let me tell you:

+ quiet and peaceful time of day because everyone else is most likely sleeping (I make it a mission to wake up at 6am everyday, not there yet, but hey, I’m working it!)

+ instant energy & mood boost

+ greater productivity

+ promotes healthier choices throughout your day

+ speeds up metabolism

+ helps maintain consistency (it’s the second or first thing on your to-do list, everyday!)

Sold yet?


Exercise is a great way to start your day; you will feel much better the entire day!

Any Cliquee already exercises and does yoga in the morning? Please, spill the deets in the comments!

Tip 6: Choose a dinner recipe

Choosing a dinner recipe in the morning helps motivate you to actually commit to making it later in the evening. Pick a healthy recipe too!

I especially like this Veggie cashew stir-fry. Easy and delicious!!

Make a quick salad in the morning and place in the fridge for later. I tend to make a huge salad that lasts for two to three days! Quick & efficient!

Tip 7: Go for a walk

I like my evening walks, but early morning walks are also the best!

Crisp and clean air, plus it’s so peaceful out.

Put on some comfy shoes, head outside for a short and peaceful way.

Pay attention to the beauty of nature and the limitless sky.

Think about what may be troubling you and fully process what it is and how insignificant it may be in the long run. Think positive.

Give yourself some peace of mind.

Tip 8: Get that annoying task done

Answering a pesky email, or making that appointment, whatever it is that you have been putting off, just do it!

Get it off that darn to-do list and get started with your day.

If I have an annoying task that I’ve been procrastinating for a while, I just order myself to do it one morning and just get it done.

It feel so good and you feel so much more accomplished after!

Honestly, get it over with. You’ll feel so much better after!

Tip 9: Start a journal

Call it what you will, diary, journal, doesn’t matter.

As long as your writing your thoughts, feelings, and goals down, you should be GOLDEN.

What’s great about journals is that you can pick out ones that you really like! Any pattern, print, quote works!

Put down any hopes or goals you have for the day, any pent up feelings you are feeling and get them down on paper to release it, or write about your most wildest life dreams and goals! It helps to write these things down!

Tip 10: Inner Peaceee:

What do I mean by this?

Do something that calms you down.

For me, it’s to meditate.

For 10 minutes, I just sit. There are some days where I skip this, but the days I do this, I feel a lot more calm and focused. Sit and try not to think (so hard for me!) But try your best to push away any thoughts that come into your head. Ignore it as well. Just sit and listen to the trees sway or your alarm clock ticking. Close your eyes and relax.

Do something good!

Go help a neighbor out or even just smile at someone! Hold the door open for someone!

Or, my favorite – buy the person behind you’s drive thru order! It’ll literally make their day!!

Start your day off by being kind to everyone you meet, even the sucky rude people.

You’ll learn to be a better person and feel great about it!

Tip 11: Read something!

We rarely read books these days.

So, it’s become common to just forget about books for a long time. I mean, when was the last time you actually sat down and read something?

Audio books are better than nothing, but the experience of sitting down and reading a good book is just not the same with audio books.

Pick a good book, and sit for even just 15 minutes to read it. This adds up over time. Sip on some tea or coffee while your at it!

Gradually shift to 30 minutes a day, maybe even an hour!

Reading helps reduce stress, improve memory, reduces cognitive decline from aging, and so much more!

Top Tip! Instead of scrolling through you phone every time you have a couple of free minutes, bring a book with you and read! It adds up!!

Tip 12: Write out your game plan (aka: your day!)

I like to take a piece of paper and write out my day’s schedule and goals. I love doing this because it helps me see how my day’s going to go.

Now, you don’t have to write down every single little detail of your day, just big events and quick reminders! Remember, make sure to jot down to make tonight’s dinner! What are you having?

It helps you visualize how things are going to go and motivates you to getting s*** done!

Tip 13: Organize and get some cleaning done!

Clean up around the house, organize messy drawers, wipe down dirty counters, and get some dishes done!

Morning time is the perfect time to clean up around the house, so when you return after a long day, rest assured, the house is clean and you feel a serene sense of peace! The best.

And if you’re planning on staying indoors, it feels great to sit in a clean and organized home all day! Helps you get more work done too!

Tip 14: Just Dance!

One of the best parts of my day, also probably the most foolish and silliest. (I suck at dancing, for real, haha)

However, it’s just me + my speaker.

No one else.

I just dance how ever I want to to what ever song I want to.

It’s a bit of exercise too! Plus, it’s so uplifting & fun!

If you haven’t done this yet, do it!!

Get some fun lights in your room to really let loose!

Don’t be nervous- no one is watching!


And there we have it! 14 simple ways to start your day off right!

Understand that it may take sometimes to develop these into habits, and that’s okay.

The key is to keep trying. Don’t give up!

What are some tips that you incorporate into your morning? Were they mentioned in this post?

Make sure to tell us what they are down in the comments!

Don’t forget to Carpe Diem!


~ Sara πŸ™‚

P.S. If you found this article helpful, please share with your friends & family via these share buttons below! Thanks, love!



  1. I always start my day with hydration, meditation, journaling and exercising!

    1. Hi Mariann!
      What a wonderful way to start your day! All great ways to develop healthy habits!
      Much Love,

  2. […] Oh! If you liked this article, be sure to check out how to make the best tea (ever?!) for that perfect morning routine! Plus, check out my FAVE beauty hack in the […]

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