Hello, welcome to the first Body section post!

Here, you will find articles on how to better yourself physically.

Starting from the inside, and working our way out!

Today’s article focuses on the one drink I sip on as soon as I get up in the morning!


Mornings can be tough.

We’ve all been there.

Pretty much everyday.

I am the worst morning person out there.

Grouchy, sleepy, irritated, you get the gist.

How do I fix it?

I drink my Everyday, Necessary, Morning Tea!

I literally feel SO much better after taking the first sip.

~Keep in mind that this could be the placebo effect taking place, but who cares? It works!~

So you may be wondering,

What is this miraculous concoction?

Well, it’s quite simple.

Plus, customizable!

Here is my take:

+ boil water for about 5~10 minutes

+ grab your favorite mug and put in some organic loose leaf green tea

+ add in some fresh mint leaves

+ pour in the water a bit below the brim of the mug

+ drizzle in some raw honey

+ boost your vitamin C intake with a couple drops of fresh lemon juice

+ and, to top it all off, sprinkle in some cinnamon

+ let it brew for 2~5 minutes, depending on how strong you like tea

(Me? I like my tea really strong, that way, I know I’m seeping in all the benefits!)

And there you go, my morning tea!

How is this customizable?

Play around with the specifics!

+ don’t like green tea? switch it up with black or white tea! perhaps herbal?

key tip!

~how long to steep your tea!~

~ green tea: 2-5 minutes

~ black tea: 3-5 minutes

~ white tea: 1-3 minutes

~ herbal tea: 4-5 minutes

These are just approximations, steep for as long as you please! The longer you steep the tea, the stronger it will taste. ALSO, keep in mind, that steeping tea for too long can cause it to taste bitter, not strong. BIG DIFFERENCE, trust me, I found out the hard way :/

+ mint leaves are optional; but they make it taste a lot sweeter, in my opinion

+ raw honey, agave, stevia, raw sugar: take your pick! i like honey for the multitude of health benefits (more on this later)

+ the lemon is 100% optional. i really like it because of the complexity of its flavor and the benefits that comes with it!

+ cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg are great options! sometimes, i sprinkle in a little bit of each for a fall flavored drink, if that’s even a thing, haha


Mint leaves in boiled water is also a great caffeine-free option!

What are the benefits to this tea?

Uh, trust me, A LOT.

Let me break it down for you:

+ GREEN TEA: antioxidants galore! think glowing skin & more collagen; better brain functionality; CAFFEINE; helps with weight loss; disease prevention; slows down the aging process; good-bye bad breath!

+ MINT LEAVES: anti-inflammatory; boosts your immune system; promotes blood circulation (peppermint)

+ HONEY: loaded with antioxidants; anti-inflammatory; good for sore throats; great for gut health!

+ LEMON: vitamin C, vitamin C, vitamin C!; full of antioxidants; slows down aging process, great for digestion

+ CINNAMON: full of antioxidants; reduces inflammation; lowers blood sugar (anti-diabetic)

+ GINGER: anti-inflammatory; great for period cramps!; helps treat colds & flus; improves brain functionality

+ CLOVES: full of nutrients!!; antioxidants powerhouse; great for liver and bone health; reduces breath bacteria

+ NUTMEG: detoxification!; helps with insomnia; improves blood circulation; antibacterial

And, these are just a few of the numerous health benefits, can you believe it?!

A good book + some nice hot tea on a peaceful afternoon? Yes, pls!

So, boil some water, sit down, read a good book and enjoy this delectable and healthy tea! Let us know what you think about it down in the comments! Tell us, did you feel instantly better? What was your favorite ingredient? Did you switch up the recipe? We can’t wait to hear from you!


Hmph, I’m really craving this tea right now.

It’s getting close to midnight, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to partake in this certain urge.

Special thanks to Miriam Przybylo, Anton Darius, Nadya Epifanova, Luísa Schetinger & Thought Catalogue for the fabulous photos! Much love! <3

Don’t forget to Carpe Diem!

~ sara 🙂

Spread the Love!



  1. […] the deets to my favorite recipe? Here’s an in-depth post on my everyday, necessary, morning […]

  2. […] I like to improvise and play around with my tea. Add things that I think are beneficial and yummy. You can read about that in full effect here. […]

  3. […] TIP: I love sippin’ on my morning tea while jade rolling on those puffy & lackluster mornings! Read more about the my all-time fave […]

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