Hi all!

Sara here. Back again with The Clique!

Wow! I can’t believe it’s been two months of The Clique Blog!

It’s felt like nothing, yet forever, at the same time.

This might make sense to other bloggers.

Anyway, I wanted to write a quick update on my experience so far.


+ Blogging is TOUGH.

I knew this coming into my blog’s launch date, and was STILL overwhelmed.

I was fully aware of how much hard work this was gonna be (A LOT) and I still underestimated it, haha. YAY, ME!

It’s fun + a lotta work.

It’s a lot of behind the scenes work too!

Learning about SEO, Pinterest, and the 5 billion “How-to” articles on the internet about blogging take up so much of my schedule.

College + work + blogging has been super stressful & hectic, but the results are all worth it!

My goal is to graduate in a few years and then work on my blog full-time!

Then, I can spend all that time that I used to spend on work & school on my blog!

Wouldn’t that be just lovely!?

+ Blogging is fun!

So far, the blogging community has been so loving & helpful!

I’ve been chatting with a lot of bloggers in my niche and they have been the sweetest people with the most stellar advice (You know who you are!! (^▽^))

I love, love, love creating content & sharing it with my readers!

Branding and customizing are also a great plus!

+ The Community is EVERYTHING.

I have fallen in love with the people & their blogs in my niche.

They are amazing hard working + creative women that are making waves in this industry!

Here are my faves:

+ Tracy from Find Your Dazzle

+ Benita from Surge of Style

+ Lovely from My Name Is Lovely

+ Jillian from Jillian Cecilia

+ Cecilia from Cecilia Jordyn

+ Funniek from Funniek

+ Jessica from Diary of a Toronto Girl

+ Jennifer from Curated By Jennifer

+ Lauryn from The Skinny Confidential

+ Jessica from Not Jess Fashion

+ Chriselle from The Chriselle Factor

+ Amy from Fashion Jackson

+ so so many more!

I have also learned more about some very amazing women entrepreneurs that I wanted to share with you guys!

+ Deborah from Heaven Skincare

+ Kathryn from ReDunne Vintage Designer Jewelry

Building a strong community is probably the #1 most important thing of blogging!

These women sure are pros!

+ It’s a long, long, long, long journey.

Little note to my past self: your blog won’t be successful over night, or over 2 months.

(More experienced bloggers reading this might just be falling off their chair laughing at this, lol)

It’s a process and I’m happy with that.

The slow process helps me balance college, work, and the blog all at the same time!

If it were getting a boat load of traffic every month, I would have trouble balancing all of it!

At first it was a bit (okay, VERY) discouraging to have slow growth.

But, I realized that slow growth, is still growth, nevertheless.

I’m learning on enjoying my small wins! (I’m almost at 100k monthly Pinterest views!!)

I remember how ecstatic I was when I got my first comment!

I remember how excited I was writing my first collab!

I am very, very far from my goal, but I am now two months closer.

Some Inspo for you!

If you are in the beginner stage of anything in your life right now and need some inspo to help keep you motivated, here are some quotes that have helped me.

There have been some days where I really just wanted to give up.

Like, I was so sick of seeing no growth.

It made me feel like I wasn’t good enough.

Like my writing wasn’t helping or resonating with anyone

I’m still very much in the beginner stage, but I’m working on bettering my mindset.

Thinking negatively like that will only lead to negative results.

Enough of me talking, let’s get to the tips!

+ “energy attracts like energy”

AKA: the law of attraction (sultry, right?) this is REALLY important when you have a big goal you want to accomplish. Thinking pessimistically will only lead to negative results because your mind isn’t motivated enough to make you work your best.

I truly believe the mind is an insanely powerful thing that has the ability to change things. What you see is what you get. You get what you give, pretty much. Thinking positively will lead to more growth because it helps you take baby steps towards your goal.

I recommend documenting your progress! I made it a habit to keep track of my slow progress since the beginning! Although it’s not much, I have come a long way! This helps me keep on goal-getting and seeing that slow growth is still growth!

+“entrepreneurship: is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you live the rest of your life like most people can’t”

Blogging is really tough. There are so many people that think it’s the easiest & most fun job in the world. However, getting to that level is super strenuous and requires a lot of work (from what I have heard)

I understand that things for me are going to be tough with blogging for some time, but that won’t matter in a couple years (hopefully!)

I have to hustle like people won’t, so I can live like people can’t!

+ “that the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse”

One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies (Dead Poets Society!!)

It’s from a Walt Whitman poem!

This quote basically stresses the importance of making a difference. It stresses to get out there and do the thing that you view important.

I love this quote, especially on bad days.

I realize that I need to play my part.

Even if things are difficult and sucky at first.

Life is play, so get out and contribute your verse!

+ “who begins too much accomplishes little.”

An impactful German Proverb that I find to be, very true. I’m sure many of you can relate to this as well. It’s easy, as a beginner, to want to do everything. You want to be good, no great, at everything and have everything lined up beautifully.

I can relate to blogging. I find that when I overwhelm myself with sooo many tasks, I end up doing pretty much nothing.

I am a pretty anxious person. No lie.

I overthink everything and stress about the impact of what I’m doing.

I realize that behaving like this will only overwhelm me enough to make me quit.

It’s these bad habits that could impact you from achieving your goals, as well.

Getting so caught up in things and over-stressing everything isn’t ever going to do anyone any good.

Finding balance and keeping this simple at the start are ESSENTIAL for continuous growth.


That’s a little + brief update on my experience so far!

Thank you so so much for reading & for all your support!

I love you all!!

P.S. If you found this article helpful, please share with your friends & family via these share buttons below! Thanks, love!

Spread the Love!



  1. Blogging is tough but fun is totally true! And happy to see you’ve got a good community behind you.

    1. Hiya Jenny!
      Thx for reading, love! I think having a strong community from blogging is suer important!!

      xx Sara

  2. Hey Sara,

    First of all thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂 Really appreciate your comment.

    I feel like this when it comes to blogging, I’ve been here for a lot of years (since 2009 or 2010) and the experience can change but the most important part of the process is to enjoy it. Wish you the best for this project that seems amazing!


    1. Hey Pablo!
      Of course- your blog is awesome!
      I see that it’s quite important to truly enjoy the process and enjoy small (and even great) wins!
      Wish you the best as well, my friend!

      xx Sara

  3. Sara! Thank you so much for shouting me out in this post! I agree that mindset is huge for anything you do but especially in an industry where growth takes time!


    1. Hi Tracy!
      Thx for reading! <3
      Yes, mindset is key!!
      xx Sara

  4. Love this blogging update Sara! Thanks for the mention by the way 🙂 It means a lot! I can definitely relate to the struggle of balancing blogging, school, and work. It’s hard to want to spend all of our time on our creative passions, but also have to go to school and of course pay for school with work. I can’t wait to keep following along with your blogging journey!


    1. Hi Jill!
      Thx for reading! <3
      Yes, school + blogging + work is intense! But, with great struggle comes great triumph, am I right?
      I am also looking forward to our blogging journey! Cheers!

      xx Sara

  5. I completely agree with all this! Thank you very much for the mention!

    1. Of course, Lovely!
      Thx for reading! <3

      xx Sara

  6. Keep up the great work! Its so worth it!

    XX Angelica

    1. Thx Angelica! Love your blog, btw!!

      xx Sara <3

  7. You’re right! Is such draining a lot of work behind the scenes but then is fun – all completely worthy and I love finding out your blog 🙂 I’ll follow!


    1. Hi Ana!
      So nice to meet you! The behind the scenes work is a TON of work, but good things take time!
      Just checked out your blog- it’s truly stunning!! Thx so much for the follow, I’ll follow as well!

      xx Sara

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